Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ground Turkey Tostada

I took a photo of one tostada which is about 1 1/2 blocks. Increase the number of tostada's depending upon your blocks. I generally have two and my husband may have three.
Turkey Tostada (1 1/2 blocks each)
1 corn tortilla (1/2 block carbs)
1 1/2 cups mixed greens chopped (1/2 block carbs)
1 1/2 oz ground turkey taco meat (1 1/2 blocks protein)
1 TB corn (1/4 block carbs)
1/2 oz cheddar cheese (1 1/2 blocks fat)
Post thoughts to comments.


  1. Hi Michele,
    Thanks for taking the time to post your recipes. I am looking for ways to become more consistent with my diet. I tried to be strict with the weighings etc (I posted this a while back) and fell off the wagon when I was with my kids at a bonfire and the crack dealers were pushing smores. Who could say no? Anyway, this propelled me into a carb shame spiral that I am slowly recovering from. One thing I did notice when I was really strict with my weights and measure was that my joints stopped hurting. I find it fascinating that even though, I know that the processed crap makes my joints hurt, I gravitate towards it regardless.
    I do look forward to trying the slow cooker pork.
    Thanks again. I am working on building a better nutritional foundation. Why does this have to be the base of the pyramid? Why does it have to be so important? Why is beer a carbohydrate? Ok, I'm whining now.

  2. David- Thanks so much for the great comments! Trust me...we have all been there!!! Just are always one meal away from being back on the Zone (oh yes...I went there!)
