Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bye Bye Cheat Days!!!

My family recognizes Lent leading up to Easter. During Lent you are supposed to give up or sacrifice something that means a lot to you. I have decided to give up my cheat days. Anyone that knows me, knows that this really is a sacrifice. This means 40 days (starting today) without cheating on the Zone. I will keep you all posted with how this goes and for those of you who have chosen to join me on this rather crazy crusade...please let me know how you are feeling! Post thoughts to comments.


  1. That was such a beautiful cookie! I hope you don't take your frustrations out on your Monday WODs. Anyway, you've motivated me, too, and I'm going to join you. I might/most likely regret it, but here goes. You're right, this is a crazy crusade! Let's do it! One down, 39 to go! :)

  2. You can do it!! It's only 40 days out of your life. Hope you get a good cheat day on day 41!!

  3. Count me in!! It will be only through the power of God that I will be able to do it! xoxo

  4. Kim- YEAH!!! You have more willpower and drive than you give yourself credit for! And you can always follow me around the gym glaring at me...if all else fails that is...

  5. Oh goody! Misery loves company!... 38 to go! :)
