Monday, August 24, 2009

Zone/Paleo Challenge!

Are you interested in improving your performance in the gym? Do you want a better Fran time? Increase your max rep pull-ups? Push-ups? Shed some time off your 1-mile run or 2000m row? Or get that 1 ½ body weight dead lift?

CFSCC will be having a Zone Paleo challenge. This is an opportunity to apply nutritional principals to your crossfit. Why Zone? Why Paleo Zone? Because it works! You will see a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean muscle. You’ll notice increased energy levels and improved recovery. You will notice an increase in your athletic performance. You will simply… feel great!

Challenge rules:

  • Eat Zone or Paleo Zone (your choice) for three months. Keep following the Eat This blog for helpful information on getting started.
  • Keep a daily food log. Include everything (even slip-ups)… it happens!
  • Cost: $20.00 to be put into a “kitty” for the winner.
  • Two before pictures (taken at the gym). Why? It’s motivation! Pictures tell it all. Remember, this is NOT about pounds lost… it’s about changing your body composition & getting lean! Your privacy will be completely respected! Photos will be a front view and a back view. Men in shorts. Women in sports bra and shorts. Pictures to be taken between Aug. 25-Sept. 01.
  • Benchmark workouts. Know your stats! Within the last month, you’ll need 1 board workout (we’ve recently done Jackie, Filthy Fifty, The Chief), a run or row time, a max effort, and a 1-rep max lift (we just did back squats). These benchmark workouts will be ran again close to the end of the challenge.
  • Two after pictures. These will be taken Nov. 23 & 24 (same poses, same place, same type clothing).
  • CFSCC trainers, and myself will pick the top people who have had the most change in body composition, as well as the largest gains in their benchmark performances.
  • Winner gets entire kitty, plus a CFSCC t-shirt, to boot!

Are you up for the challenge? Sign up now in the gym!

Now.... Here's a quick and tasty appetizer that my cousin, Paul made while he was visiting!

Bacon wrapped scallops!

Wrap scallops in a piece of bacon, secure with a toothpic. In a non-stick pan, on med. hi heat, cook scallop on all sides until bacon is browned (scallops cook quick, just get the bacon cooked). We had two scallops each for about 1 block fat & protein. I had a 4oz glass of white wine to balance it out! :) Thanks, Paul!


  1. Awesome, Kelly!! Thank you so much for doing this. I really really need something like this right now. I am definitely in and going for the whole kitty (and some increased performance, weight loss, etc. etc.)


  2. Hey Kelly,
    I have been Zoning now for about a year and doing well,lost body fat ect....wondering about now if I should go more Paleo. What made you decide to go more Paleo? Also, how much different is it then the Zone

  3. Wait!!!! Can we wait until AFTER Labor day? :) I love this, but we are in Chicago and Notre Dame until the 6th!!

  4. Whitney, get on board with 1st! Besides, there is nothing to eat in Chicago at all. Really, nothing. No delicious pizza or Mexican food. No yummy cinnamon rolls. Polish sausage, nah. Nothing. It'll be easy to stay Zone/Paleo there... :)

  5. Kelly,

    This is a great idea. I would love to be a part of this.

    However I feel that my daily paleo/zone routine is not precise and I may be missing on some basics.

    I think it will be great if you and Michelle can host a Zone/Paloe Workshop at the gym. This could be a paid workshop where all the basics are cleared up and everyone has an opportunity to get a fresh start.

    I am sure there are others like me who may be confused between Zone and Paleo and would like to get it first hand from you both.

    Let me know what you think.


  6. I was the same as you, Trixie. I zoned for about a year, and was doing well. I heard about Paleo and wanted to give it a try. I tried it for two weeks, and didn't want to stop! I felt great! I thought it would be difficult... it's wasn't! Give it a try for a couple weeks... see what you think! Basically, you just keep eating meat, fish, veggies, fruit, nuts and seeds! Limit dairy (especially as a protein source), avoid processed foods, and omit gluten from your diet!

  7. Whitney... there is no time like the present!! You can make it through Labor Day! :)
    Seriously, just do the best you can. It shouldn't be a huge set back. You are always super smart when it comes to dining out anyway! We want you on board!

  8. Hey Kelly!
    Thanks for answering me..confused about the fats with the Paleo diet. Do they increase much vs Zone? Seems the Paleo Diet book seems to favor lean meats etc.

  9. Trixie, I think (I'm just learning this stuff, too) there are different degrees of "Paleo". Super strick Paleo followers would probably stick to very lean, free range, organic meats. They also don't worry about weighing, measuring or balancing blocks! I'm still trying to find a realistic balance.... something in between Zone and Paleo. Something that I can maintain long term. I have been so use to 'cutting' the fat from my diet... for years and years!!! Now... I'm ok with letting it back in. Good fats, like olive oil, avocado, nuts, almond butter, canola oil, and olives! Anyway, I'm rambling... hope I answered your question in there somewhere! :)

  10. Hi Kelly! I started the challenge yesterday, turned in my form and cash...what did you want us to do with the pics? Email them to you or should I have printed and attached to my form? Thanks for organizing this! It's a great way to get me to be more conscious about my eating again!

