Sunday, October 18, 2009

Whole Foods Take Out!

As much as I love living in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains, I have had to learn to tolerate power outages from time-to-time. Okay, maybe not "time-to-time", but EVERY time it rains!!! Hence the missing posts last week! We were without power for over 24 hours and even longer for cable and telephone. But... we still had to eat, sleep, and CrossFit!
After CrossFit Thursday night, I ran into Whole Foods for dinner. I love that store... although a little pricey. They have such a great selection of ready-made-meals, and they include a list of ingredients on everything. I was still a little surprised what a challenge it was to stay within strict Paleo. I was pretty tired of poultry... so that was out of the question. I found these salmon filets! They were grilled with a citrus glaze (that did include honey... legal!). I bought a simple, plain side salad, and whola... dinner! :)
Hope you all weathered the storm well!
I have some yummy recipes planned for the week ahead!

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