Thursday, December 10, 2009

I "Heart" Tuna!

When CrossFit Santa Cruz Central dishes out "FGB"... I thought I better dish out some omega 3's for recovery! This was a quick and easy dinner, which was perfect... because I want to go to bed! I loved how it looked like a perfect heart when it was done (somehow that helped).

Tuna steaks (about 4 oz each)
1 T olive oil
garlic powder
black pepper
sea salt (optional)
golden roasted flax seeds

I used a cast iron pan, and heated the oil on medium high heat. Sprinkle tuna steaks with garlic powder, black pepper, salt, and the flax seeds. Press the seasoning into the fish. When the oil is hot, sear the tuna steaks for about 1 minute on each side. I placed them in a warm oven until the broccoli was done steaming. I also accompanied this dinner with a side salad (sprinkled with a few more roasted flax seeds)! Hope you enjoy, and recover well!!
Good night! :-)

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