Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Berry & Spinach Salad

Berries berries everywhere! This is SUCH a wonderful time of year! The sun is out (finally) and the fruit is plentiful! Especially the berries! So here is a fun, fresh idea for spinach! I had this salad twice over the weekend. It was delicious! Even the kids liked it! Hope you enjoy!

Fresh spinach (about 1 bunch or a 9 oz package)
8-10 fresh strawberries, sliced
1 package blackberries
1/4 C slivered almonds

1/4 C apple cider vinegar
1/4 C grapeseed oil (or walnut oil, or olive oil)
2 T sesame seeds
1 T poppy seeds
1 T honey (optional) or 1 T fruit juice (pineapple or apple work well)

Mix spinach and berries together. Drizzle salad dressing over salad and toss well. Sprinkle slivered almonds over the top. Enjoy! (Store leftover dressing in the refrigerator).

*Paleo challengers, I know this has been a particularly hard week in the gym! OUCH... I feel your pain! But, please get your benchmark wods done. You can do Jackie instead of the daily wod at any time! :-)) Scott did his deadlift benchmark lift today and got a PR! It was happy times around our house this evening.... I know there are more PR's to be had!


  1. Great minds think alike! I found this recipe (minus the blackberries) in a recipe book. I subbed the sugar for some honey! A little dressing goes a long ways! Very delicious! We added some pinenuts, but this salad can be versatile with any seed or nut and berry!

  2. Isn't it great, Becca!? My new favorite... at least while it's berry season! You're right... very versatile salad! :-)
