Flap meat has become another staple food item from Costco. It is such great, tasty and affordable meat. I usually get two good sized dinners out of it, too! It cooks quick and is excellent marinated and grilled. I was super happy with how this marinade turned out. I quickly combined meat and marinade in the morning and the steak was ready to grill when I got home! Oh how I love easy, tasty meals like these! ... Especially on days when my cooking motivation is low. I'm blaming it on all the rowing we did in CrossFit this morning! :-)
Marinade ingredients:
1/2 C Molasses
2 T red wine vinegar
1 T dried oregano
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1 T lemon juice
2 cloves crushed, and roughly chopped garlic
1-2 pounds flap meat
Combine marinade ingredients and pour over flap steak. Marinate in a plastic bag for about 6-8 hours. In a grill pan or on the barbecue over medium-high heat, grill the flap steak, about 4 minutes on each side. It cooks quickly, so don't over cook! Enjoy with Paleo sides of your choice! Hope you give it a try!