I finally used the Zucchini I got from a friend with a garden (thanks, Narine)! I highly recommend finding a friend with a garden! Home grown veggies are the best!!!

I've been wanting to try a recipe like this for quite awhile. So glad I did. It was really tasty. Even the kids liked it (well one kid liked it, the other thought the idea of stuffing a "vegetable" with perfectly good meat was just absurd!).

I used two small, roundish, home-grown zucchini, and two bell peppers, cut length-wise. Scoop out center of zucchini and reserve (save 1/2 from each). Clean out center of pepper, too.
Stuffing ingredients:
1 lb. ground pork sausage
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 C sweet red pepper, diced
1/2 can (8 oz. diced tomatoes)
2 T chopped fresh rosemary
1 tsp. thyme
1 tsp. onion powder
zucchini reserve
I sauteed the garlic in 1 tsp garlic infused olive oil (yes, I like garlic), then added the red pepper and zucchini reserve. In a separate pan I browned ground pork sausage, and added the garlic, pepper mixture. Then I added the diced tomatoes (I haven't cracked a can of diced tomatoes since I gave up pasta!). Once everything was mixed well, I stuffed the peppers and zucchini.
This was a perfect amount of stuffing to fill the 8 halves. Each zucchini half or pepper half is about 2 blocks (fat and protein). I had one of each, plus 1 1/2 C green salad, for a substantial 4 block Paleo dinner! I am so glad there are leftovers... Have a great weekend!