Tuesday, September 8, 2009

BYOPZ (Bring Your Own Paleo/Zone)

A huge part of being successful on the zone or with paleo is being prepared and planning ahead! A big part of starting out the week is gathering lunches and snacks! Try to allow yourselves some time for this. Bake up some chicken tenders to last the week. Grill some sausages. Make extra dinner to allow for leftovers! Hard boil eggs. Cut up some extra fruit and veggies! Soon this just becomes part of the routine... like brushing your teeth or checking the kids homework! Neile, from CFSCC, has found a GREAT lunch box to help keep her in the zone! She says she LOVES it and that the containers hold two 1 block and one 2 block snacks, plus a 2 block lunch. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing Neile!

Some challenge info:
We're checking out your food logs, so don't forget to turn them in! Also, I've finally added some additional links to the site. You can now download the food log sheets, check zone blocks, view a sample day, or check paleo permitted foods! Hope that helps! Keep up the good work!!! The food logs look great so far! :)

Now... how's that sweet tooth???
I know mine is in full force, screaming "chocolate"!!
Hope this helps:

Chocolate Strawberry Protein Shake

1 C chocolate almond milk (unsweetened)
2 tsp almond butter
1 cup fresh strawberries
3 T chocolate prozone protein powder
8-10 pieces ice
Blend until creamy and frothy. Top with cinnamon and some unsweetened chocolate cocoa powder. Serves 2 (and is about 2 blocks each). Enjoy! :)


  1. Love that container system. Where did you get it. Although as I type this I wonder if I would use it commuting to work on my bicycle. I tend to prefer soft sided things in my pack. HUmm

  2. Hi,

    I bought it at a store in LA called Plastica (plasticashop.com). I ride my bike to work as well, which is why I find this lunchbox PERFECT. It's not too hard, but sturdy and fits very nicely into my messenger bag or pannier. It's also relatively light. I've tried many things, but this one, so far, is the best. It's a little spendy, but worth it. And the come in three colors :)

    Those shakes look so good, Kelly! We really have to get a blender stat.

    Hope you all are doing well!


  3. Where do you get almond milk???

  4. At our Safeway it's in the baking section, in those funny cartons that soy milk comes in. Not in the refrigerated section. I've seen it at most grocery stores (not TJ's, though). It comes in chocolate & vanilla... sweetened and unsweetened... be sure to grab the unsweetened! Enjoy... it's a "must-have" on Paleo! :)
