Monday, September 7, 2009

Grilled Seafood & Vegetables

Hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend! We definitely used our BBQ this weekend. Took advantage of the beautiful weather and ate dinner out on the deck, too. I feel well rested and ready to get back to CrossFit tomorrow!

We grilled this entire meal on the BBQ. We lightly brushed asparagus, eggplant, scallops, and shrimp with olive oil and spices. In a small container mix 1/4 cup olive oil with garlic powder, onion powder, and an organic no-salt seasoning... lightly brush on seafood and veggies and cook to your liking. Very simple and tasty (and very little mess in the kitchen). And YES, I absolutely had this with a nice glass of chardonnay!!


  1. Still failing, but less spectacularly. I'm not Catholic, but sending in my diet journal is going to feel like confession! :-)

  2. Kelly - I've been doing the challenge, but missed the original info meeting. Do we turn in our journals at the end with both sets of photos or should we be sending them in more often? Where and to who? :) Sorry for being so clueless!! Please help!
    Thanks bunches!

  3. Hi Karen. Turn in your food log weekly (there is a bin labeled "Food Logs" in the gym) or if you're filling it out on the computer... you can email it to me. My email address is on the bulletin in the gym. Food logs are due today. We will have two more motivation meetings... the first Sunday in October and November at 12:30. Hope that helps! Feel free to email with any questions! Good luck! :)

  4. Arturo! You are cracking me up- I know what you are saying- I was in Chicago and Notre Dame for football tailgating, so my 1st week was 1/2 and 1/2. Taking on 5 days of saying "no" to food, beer, etc was virtually impossible.

    I am excited to get back into town and focus on the day-to-day challenges. I think they will be a little easier. Kelly, thanks for your inspiration words and allowing me to think of it as "each meal". It is not so scary!

    Hope everyone else is hanging in there!

  5. Kelly,
    I'll turn my logs in tomorrow. Thank you so much for organizing this! I love this challenge. It is just the motivation I was looking for. I have been 7 days so far, and am slowly getting the hang of what to eat. Your ideas are really helpful. I really do feel sharper and more more energetic. I even started my own blog to journal my 90 days of improvement. I'll link it once I get the nerve up to make it public (and get rid of the spelling/ grammar issues.)
