Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Athlete Profile: Madeline Hurst

Madeline was one of our Paleo-Zone challenge co-winners for "most performance improvement". She successfully followed the paleo-zone method for the three month challenge, responding really well to the Paleo lifestyle. She lost a total of 6 lbs. and had significant body composition changes! One of the most dramatic changes she noticed eating Paleo was an increase in her energy level. She said she had more energy throughout the entire day! She also had noticeable improvements with her endurance during WODs. I had the pleasure (if you will) of sitting next to her during a 2k row... and she was quite impressive (and certainly smoked me) with her performance! WOW!!

After two weeks into the challenge, Madeline went from ZERO kipping pull ups to 12 kipping pull ups! I know every crossfitter can relate to what that meant to her!

She said her success in the gym gave her increased confidence which enabled her to finally tap into the potential she knew she always had within!!! SO very proud of you, Madeline! Congratulations on your success! I know we'll see more PR's as you continue your Paleo/CrossFit journey!

Some of Madeline's stats:
Deadlift: went from 217#s before challenge to 235#
Back Squat: 184 to 192#
Bench Press: 117 to 132#
Diane: 9:02 (used bands for HSPUs & 133# DL weight) to 6:32 (still used bands for HSPUs but did RX weight for DLs)

Great Job, Madeline! You are truly an inspiration. Keep up the great work! :-)


  1. Congratulations, Madeline. It has been such a pleasure to watch you 'blossom' in the gym the past few months. In-frickin'-credilbe stats!

  2. Get 'em, girl! Congrats, Madeline! I haven't had the pleasure of meeting so many of you but reading about you all is truly inspirational. :)

    Keep up the bad-ass-ery.

  3. Madeline, you frakkin' ROCK! Congratulations on all of this, what a huge accomplishment!! Here's to many many many more PRs and success!

  4. Great work Madeline! Keep it up girl! ;)

  5. Very nice job Madeline. I remember a night workout where we had the 500m rows. Your rowing was amazing. Congratulations on the challenge and great job in the gym.

  6. Madeline! I remember thinking when I first saw you in the gym that you were a fire breather inside a sweet lady. I also knew you would be a winner in the zone challenge. Great job on your dedication, physical and mental strength and working hard. Enjoy all the pay off, you deserve it. :)

  7. I bet you won't guess what muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that gets rid of joint and back pains, anxiety and excessive fat.

    If this "secret" super powerful primal muscle is healthy, you are healthy.
