We all have heard that omega-3 fatty acids are good, right? We know that the average American diet is extremely deficient in omega-3's and therefore, we should be taking our supplements! We know that, as CrossFitters, it helps to decrease our muscle soreness, increase our recovery, and decreases inflammation throughout our bodies! And it does SO much more! It's involved in fighting chronic diseases, heart heath, blood pressure regularity, brain function, and the list goes on! The benefits come from
consistently taking the appropriate dosage!
So how much should you be taking? The rule of thumb is to work up to:
1/2 gram EPA/DHA omega-3's for every 10 pounds body weight.
So for example, a person weighing 160 lbs:
160/10=16 x .5 grams = 8 grams or 8000 mg. per day.
If you're taking Nordic Naturals Omega-3 supplements, that's 29 capsules per day. I know that sounds like a lot, and it is. Work yourself up to that amount gradually... Start with 3 capsule 3x per day?! Incorporate food sources that are rich in omega-3's as well! Also, take your supplements with a meal or snack rich in protein and fat.
What to look for when shopping for fish oil supplements?
Make sure they're Omega-3 DHA & EPA .
Look for fish oils that are "purified" & "pharmaceutical grade".
I have been very happy with Nordic Naturals, Carlsons, and Coscto's brand!
My personal favorite of late is the Carlsons liquid. It has more DHA/EPA per tsp. so I don't have to take so many capsules per day. When calculating how much you need, be sure to look at the EPA/DHA total per capsule or tsp.
1. Flaxseeds
2. Walnuts
3. Salmon, wild caught (chinook)
4. Sardines
5. Halibut
6. Shrimp
7. Snapper
8. Scallops
9. Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage...yes!
10. Spices, like: mustard seed & oregano!
So, enjoy your Omega-3's and stay healthy! :-)
Hope some of this information helped clear any 'fish oil' confusion!