Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Meatloaf, Again??

Ok... this is similar to the meatloaf post in September, but with a twist! It's like a "max effort" meatloaf. It was really good (however I needed more spinach in my meatloaf tonight, so the recipe reflects what I think would be a better amount).
My friend Miriam introduced me to roasted Flax Seeds... and I'm hooked. They are a great compliment... to just about anything! They are rich in omega 3's and add a nice nutty flavor! Tonight I sprinkled them over the meatloaf, as well as the baked sweet potatoes! They are also wonderful toppings for salads! :-)
"Max effort" meatloaf ingredients:
2 lbs lean ground beef (93/7)
1 small red onion, finely chopped
1/2 C fresh Italian parsley, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 T flaxseed oil
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp pepper
1 egg, beaten
2 hard boiled eggs
about 12 oz fresh spinach (or approx. 3 C)... error on the generous side as it shrinks down so much!
1 tsp olive oil
about 1 T roasted flaxseeds

Saute spinach in 1 tsp olive oil, and let cool slightly. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients (except roasted flaxseeds, and hard boiled eggs). Spread a little less than half the beef mixture in the bottom of a loaf pan. Place a layer of spinach over beef mixture, without touching sides of the loaf pan. Place the two hard boiled eggs in the center, and cover with more spinach... tucking in the eggs nicely and still not touching the sides of the pan. Now top with the remainder of beef mixture, and sprinkle with the roasted flaxseeds. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes. This should yield about 6 4oz servings (3F, 4P)

While the meatloaf was cooking, I simultaneously was cooking 1 sweet potato, sliced. I sprayed a baking pan with olive oil spray, added sweet potato slices, sprinkled a little garlic powder, ground pepper, and some more roasted flaxseeds! This was ready about the same time as the meatloaf. I also added a green salad to balance out the carbs! Hope you enjoy... it was a fun twist on the usual!

*Reminder: Paleo/Zone Challenge meeting this Sunday at 12:30. Bring in a favorite recipe for the Eat This site!! :-)


Miriam said...

excellent use of flax seeds kelly!

Anonymous said...

Love the loaf!!

Shari Baby said...

check out I was having a sweet tooth and wanted desert - so I made the Paleo Crepes on his site--Oh-My-GOD these were delicious and freakin easy to prepare... I can see me making these for a brunch with friends :) or just eat em when I have a craving....

atom said...

Looks like an excellent meat loaf though you'll want to grind your flax seeds up as our bodies have a very difficult time digesting them and they'll just pass through you in seed form.

mrsmommyb said...

Kelly...which flaxseed oil do you use?

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