Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Seared Ahi Tuna with Pesto

I bought these Ahi Tuna Steaks at Trader Joe's in the frozen meat section. Wow... great price and great quality! Good old Trader Joe's!!

Generously cover thawed steaks with fresh ground pepper, a little ground cumin, and some garlic powder (rub into fish really well). Heat a heavy skillet (I used a cast iron)... when pan is hot add a little olive oil. Sear fish quickly (about 1-2 minutes) on both sides. Remove from heat (I put fish in a warm oven while I was preparing everything else).

Pesto: Mix in a food processor about 3/4 cups fresh basil leaves, 2 cloves garlic, 2 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice, and 1/4 C pine nuts.

I served this with steamed zucchini and sliced tomatoes (with just a tad more chopped basil for looks!) It was delicious! The fish was about 4 oz and I put about 2 tsp. pesto over the top... made for about a 3-4 block dinner! Hope you enjoy this totally Paleo meal! :)

Well... how was day 1 ?
Remember to keep things easier for yourself, stock your kitchen with zone/paleo foods! Send all those leftover temptations to your neighbors! :) I've heard this before but it is so true: shop the perimeter of the grocery store (all the fruits, veggies, meats, fish and dairy are all found on the outer aisles) ... and avoid the bakery! :) Stick to your shopping list and don't shop hungry (eat a snack before you go)! Plan ahead as much as possible... hard boil a bunch of eggs in the beginning of the week. Bake up some delicious little chicken tenders. Pre-cook some tasty sausages!

Well... onward to day 2! :)


Jonny V. said...

Hey gang . . . sorry I have been so absent, but here I am, still alive, and lucky me, I came back to the gym on Day One of the Zone challenge! Quite coincidentally, I started back on Paleo/Zone today myself, so I was glad to see that my energy was groovin' with everyone else's.

Would love to do the formal challenge, but sorry, the picture business is too humiliating. I have gained about 30 pounds of extra bulge since my shoulder surgery, and am looking to get rid of it. And I do know how to do it. I just need to stick with you people!

Can't wait to follow along . . . and looking forward to seeing more of everyone again.

Kelly Greco said...

Welcome back, Jon! Good timing indeed! This challenge is so exciting. (Everyone felt the same way about the picture)... :)
Nice to have you on board!

Adam said...


I'm an old guy - 50 - who's just getting into this stuff - crossfit and zone...

Your posts are GREAT ! ! !

Anonymous said...

Good stuff again Kelly! Had it for supper, my wife's 35th birthday meal!

Thanks again!

IAMAOK said...

So....have some pre-game jitters and want to share. We have our playoff softball game tomorrow night with a tailgate party to follow. And it ain't Paleo! lol...I am coming equipped with my portable cave cooler packed with meat, seeds and greens...and water with Lemon in my SOLO cup. Maybe I will get a cool straw? events like this in the first 2 weeks of strict Paleo will be difficult indeed. 3,2,1...ugh.

Unknown said...

I am failing spectacularly! :-)

Fortunately, every day is a new chance at redemption...

Kelly Greco said...

Thanks Adam!!
Chuck, I hope she liked it!! :)
Michele and Arturo... you CAN do it! Life's going to throw you obstacles, do the best you can. You're right... every day is a NEW day and every meal is a NEW meal! :)

AJ said...

Hi Kelly,

I just want to say this site is awesome. We just launched a Zoleo Nutrition contest today, and I will tell everyone about this blog as a place to get great food ideas. This blog is a great complement to ours. Thanks for all your hard work on this! -Aj

CrossFit Santa Cruz Central