Ellyn did fantastic with her CrossFit performance during the challenge! She made huge strides, and she's still going strong! It was clearly obvious in the workouts, that she was as determined and motivated as they get! Great job!
Here's some of her stats:
Went from a 14:59 (with bands, and a light kettle bell) to 11:27 RX'd ! ! !
She had a few kipping pull ups prior to the challenge, but during the challenge, she was able to string them together in workouts!
400m run:
1:45 to 1:21.5 WOW!
95 lbs. to 99 lbs.
Ellyn's future goals, now that the challenge is over, is to try a Paleo eating plan with her husband! She's currently working on getting double unders, and wants to get more efficient with those. Probably most important to Ellyn is to do most (if not all) workouts as prescribed! She feels like she's getting closer to that goal all the time.
Keep up the great work, Ellyn. Your progress during this challenge was incredible and very inspirational. You should be extremely proud of your success. I believe you will absolutely accomplish your future CrossFit goals! Congratulations! :-)
Ellyn, you're frakkin' awesome!! Congratulations!!! Your stats and improvements are incredible!!! Really really impressive.
Great job honey! I'm so proud of you!!!
Congratulations Ellyn. I always enjoy classes that have you in them. It is always a challenge to keep up with you. I like the way you keep the class fun with your energy, determination and just a tad of the trash talking. Thank you.
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