Quiz: How many of the products pictured above contain gluten?
A: The bread
B: The bread and the pita
C: Steel cut oats
D: Soy Sauce
E: All of the above
Post your answers to comments.
Communicate about your diet! This is a Blog hosted by CrossFit Santa Cruz Central and moderated by Kelly Greco. It is for all athletes and anyone who wishes to post comments about their eating. It is intended to create accountability, support and motivation for those trying to stick to diets such as Paleo or other insulin controlling diets. It is a forum to post what you ate, didn't eat, want to eat, shouldn't have eaten, and to share recipes, ideas, and thoughts on eating. WELCOME!
I am going for answer E. A little unsure about the soy sauce, but it's sort of an odd one to have up there. Must be there for a reason. I love learning new things! Keep up the great work Michele!
Soy sauce is steeped in wheat during the extraction process -- I don't exactly know why, but people who are highly allergic to wheat cannot have soy sauce. It is actually listed on the ingredients, which was a shock to me too. Maybe Michelle can explain more . . .
Off topic,but I mentioned your blog here:http:http://mizfitonline.com/2009/05/06/label-reading-2/
They were discussing the Zone Diet and I commented below.
All of them, although as far as I know oats on their own don't contain gluten. However they are most commonly grown in the same fields as wheat or nearby, that they get contaminated. That is my understanding of the oat issue, anyways.
All of them. The only one that's iffy is the oatmeal, and that's because pure oatmeal will test negative to gluten, but most oatmeal is mixed with flour when processed. My boyfriend is celiac, so this is something I've had to deal a lot with. Thanks for bringing it up!
I'm sure it was just a typo, but gluten does not "contain" Celiac. Celiac is a disease wherein eating gluten causes damage to the mucosa of the intestine. You can be gluten intolerant and not have Celiac disease-- it is merely one type of gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.
And in answer to your question, all of those products contain gluten. Soy sauce contains wheat (you can get wheat-free tamari instead) and oats do not contain gluten but are contaminated with wheat during processing (the machines are coated with flour to prevent sticking).
Good blog-- I like all your recipes! :)
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