Pork Chops and Apple Relish- 3 blocks
3 oz pork chop (3 blocks protein)
1/2 apple relish (1 block carbs)
2 + cups of soyaki green beans with cashews (2 blocks carbs/ 3 blocks fat)
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Communicate about your diet! This is a Blog hosted by CrossFit Santa Cruz Central and moderated by Kelly Greco. It is for all athletes and anyone who wishes to post comments about their eating. It is intended to create accountability, support and motivation for those trying to stick to diets such as Paleo or other insulin controlling diets. It is a forum to post what you ate, didn't eat, want to eat, shouldn't have eaten, and to share recipes, ideas, and thoughts on eating. WELCOME!
One week down... one week to go until I can cheat. Is it OK to live for cheat days?
Kim- I would worry about you if you didn't! Way to go missy!
Stay strong Kim. I gets better after the first 2 weeks. You will love the results.
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