I used London Broil for this, but you could use Skirt Steak or Flank Steak and it would be great too! Spice Rub: 4 tsp chili powder, 2 tsp coriander, 1 tsp oregano, 2 tsp brown sugar. Mix and rub on both sides of meat. I cooked this at 425 degrees for about 35-40 minutes.
Spice Rubbed Steak- 3 blocks
3 oz London Broil- (3 blocks protein)
2 cups broccoli slaw with snow peas- (1 block carbs)
2 cups spinach salad with apples, feta, walnuts and Raspberry vinaigrette (2 blocks carbs/ 2 blocks fat) Post thoughts to comments.
Sounds lovely Michele. The only thing I would say, and this is because I often fall foul myself, is that you don't seem to have counted the 2 tsp brown sugar in your blocks of carbs. According to CFJ 21, 1 1/2 tsp brown sugar constitutes 1 block of carbs. Horrendous isn't it - such a small amount.
I used to have 2 tsp in all my coffees and teas throughout the day! Just a treat in the odd one now. ps will be trying this one out.
I would count them if they were on each portion, but because it is dispersed over the entire steak, the amount becomes to little to count. Thanks for keeping me in check though!
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